Crazy Camel Cash Slots

Crazy Camel Cash Slots
We have to say that we really like the charm of Crazy Camel Cash game. It’s got a nice, low key sense of appeal to it that the graphics play into, and works quite well in that way. Most games will try to wow you with fire and high flying imagery, but this one takes an odd ball theme, takes it seriously to the point of hilarity, and the end result is something that will at the very least make you smile. It’s an easy recommendation for that reason, provided you like slots in the 3 reel genre, and can stand going at a slow and steady pace while you play it.

Things We Love

We definitely love the odd ball theme. Camel’s are weird, and a crazy one is even weirder. It takes that all the way to Egypt and has fun with that, managing to look far less stale than most bigger budget games that took Egypt itself more seriously.

We definitely enjoy the pacing as well. The coins are accessible, and it all flies by quickly, just like the rest of what you’ll find by Rival Gaming.

Things We Hate

One thing we do not enjoy is the stark lack of any compelling incentives. Jackpots, multipliers, anything really, would have gone a long way. Most of Rival Gaming’s title lacks elements like these, but we think that’s a big misstep, and that they’re missing out on a lot of easy to implement things that would make this all more entertaining for old and newcomers alike if they kept it a little more lively and interesting in that way.

Our Verdict

Crazy Camel Cash Slots one of the only games about camels on the whole of the internet, let alone the gambling space. You’re not crazy if you like the way this one looks, but you likely are if you’re looking for more than a quick 3 reel go of things that has more to offer than what you can see in the images. It does nothing new, but does everything well enough to be a solid recommendation. If only to try it and see what all the fuss about camels is about, this one is a game that will likely hold your interest and be recommended to friends based on the odd ball theme and how it’s rendered alone.