Heroes Realm Slots

Heroes Realm Slots
This kind of game is perfectly suited to anyone that loves big burly men, attractive women, it has a taste for something that is closer to Greek and Noris mythology than anything else. The tone of the game itself is the main draw here, and they did a wonderful job with that in always. Being a classic game, the fact that the theme is mythological is perfectly suited to it, and we found ourselves suck down almost immediately! That makes this an easy recommendation, and there is quite a bit to like for players of all kinds.

Things We Love

This best thing for us is the theme. We absolutely love anything that has a good sense of fantasy and masculinity to it, and they took all of that from the Greek mythos quite well. They also come by there with a very fast pace of classic game play, keeping things very simple and the point. We can’t actually think of many things that would get in the way of someone picking this up applying it throughout the day, it being well-suited to splurges of that kind!

Things We Hate

One thing we definitely would change about this game is adding in quite a few hero themed elements. We enjoy the many axes, shields, and treasure chests that you will see, but it would have been nice to see a little bit more of the heroes in the slot itselfs. We don’t just like the way that it all looks, but we do feel that it is a missed opportunity for them because they did not take the time to do something like this. How cool would it have been to see the title character is on the reels themselves? Very damn cool, if we do is say so ourselves!

Our Verdict On Playing Heroes Realm Slots

Having spent a lot of time with Heroes Realm Slots, we can safely say that it is one of the better mythological themed games out there, and one of the few of them that takes on the three reel format. Rival games has a clear hit on their hands with this one, and it definitely ranks up there quite highly for us on games of this particular kind! Play it and have fun just like we did.