Tahiti Time Slots

Tahiti Time Slots
As far as premises go, we absolutely love the idea of being at a tiki bar on the beach and having a wonderful time. After all, that’s what most of us dream of doing after we win the big money, and it’s really not all that expensive of a thing. We probably all had a chance to do it at some point, and it lingers in our minds long after. Tahiti Time takes that to heart and gives you a vision of what you can do with all of your winnings, which when combined with compelling graphics, make for a decent time.

Things We Love

The theme and the way the art style comes together here is absolutely wonderful. The bamboo and color scheme all look very nice, and nothing here was done in a lazy way. Many of these three reel slot games are slap together in an instant, but this one actually looks like it took a decent amount of time. It’s one that creates a nice tone and atmosphere for your spins, which most games don’t even attempt to. When combined with the snappy animations, and the wonderful backgrounds, it makes for a very compelling package!

Things We Hate

One thing we definitely don’t like about the game is the lack of anything interesting when it comes to the play. Everything about this game is standard to the point of generic, and you could be forgiven for mixing it up with almost any other game. We can’t really think of a whole lot about it that stands out, which is not a good thing when it comes to an Internet filled with games just like this!

Our Verdict

Tahiti Time Slots is game with a wonderful theme, and has a compelling art style, but nothing about the gameplay to keep you interested. You will find a lot to like here if you are a fan of beaches and beer, but for everyone else, you’re probably going to be looking for a little bit more. The charisma inherent to the style isn’t enough to save it in that way, but it still worth a spin given that most of these games are very similar anyway. If you like what you see in the screenshots, and are looking for a relaxing and well-made time, this game certainly fits the bill!