Chicken Little Slots

Chicken Little Slots
Chicken Little is a very fast-paced and cartoony game that almost reminds us of Duck Hunt, and manages to have enough charm that we can’t help but smile anytime we see it. It takes the classic formula and combines a newspaper style with it, and offers colors that seem perfectly suited to a Sunday newspaper. Although it lacks many modern features that many players like ourselves have come to ador, it is a wonderful rendition of what made classic games great, and we can’t think of a better way to spend an easy afternoon than playing a game just like this one!

Things We Love

The art style here is the main point of the game, them having put a lot of time and effort into it in ways that very clearly paid off. It looks absolutely wonderful, it will put a smile on your face, no matter how tense up you are with your expressions! The pace of the play is also very enjoyable, moving along in classic style in ways that make you wonder why other games are not this fast. We also enjoyed the creativity of the individual symbols on the reels, them being more than simple bars and bells. They used acorns and other cartoon elements, for example, which look very lovely, and add a lot of enthusiasm and charm to the scene.

Things We Hate

We definitely feel the lack of any kind of bonus features being around when we play this game. Sure, most of us are in this to win money, but it is kind of fun to see some things like that come up from time to time. This game offers nothing of that sort, and for that reason, I can get a little bit boring if you played for too long!

Our Verdict On Playing Chicken Little Slots

Having spent a lot of time with Chicken Little Slots, we can safely say that It is a wonderful take all the classic genre that is perfectly suited for people that love Sunday morning cartoons. It may also be suited for people that love cute little critters, although that probably describes everybody! If you were looking for a fast paced and relaxing way to win a bunch of money while smiling at cartoons, this is one of the best ways to do so on the entirety of the scary Internet!